Monday, November 15, 2010

Maya Starr

I'm going to backwards before posting new things. My friend Noni and Dmitry had a beautiful little girl named Maya, who turned 1 in October. I had the occasion to meet her last spring and deliver this present to her. It was great fun to do.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Southpark Bridge Mural

I've got to catch up on my postings - not a very good blogger if I let six months go by. But so much has happened in those last months: my brother had a baby, Jerry and I raised the money to start his restaurant next year, lots of painting and summer fun.

In June I participated in a mural project for the closing of the Southpark Bridge in the Southpark neighborhood of Seattle. I came up with a Day of the Dead-themed mural, and painted it in the early evening of June 30th, as thousands of people came to celebrate the life of the bridge. I had my friend Lorie Ransom come help me paint it, and we knocked it out in four hours.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

New Studio Space in Georgetown

Last year I started thinking about getting a dedicated art studio so that I would not have to paint in the basement anymore. I started looking for one in December and then I found the perfect space near my house in the Georgetown Art Center, and signed on at the first of the year. I share it with nine other artists and we each have our own private studio in a larger space that was once a ballroom. We have shared gallery space, classroom, print studio, kitchen, bathroom and even two pianos. Plus it is above a pizzeria. Been spending weekends there and it's a lovely thing! Last Saturday while I was painting there was an Italian class. The Monday before that, I got to paint to the live sounds of the Japanese harp (koto).